Birthday Interview: Tiffany

July is here and that means a few things: the sun is out, it’s getting hotter, and it’s our creative director’s birthday month. You know what that means. The birthday interview tradition continues.

Of your now 28 years, do you have a favourite?

Ah, I see what you’re doing–making me think about the past. I’m going to go with year number 15. Not because I was in high school or anything, but because that was a year I did a lot of traveling. I was just starting to compete at a high level in martial arts and had tournaments pretty much every month. I saw a lot of cities that year and traveled all over North America and made my first trip to Europe.

If you could have any pet, what would it be?

I am currently without a pet, but I’m a human of simple needs so probably a black cat I can cuddle.

What do you do outside of Mecha Panda?

Mecha Panda takes up a good part of my time, but in my life away from sketchbooks and my computer I am a lover of sports. I enjoy teaching and own a martial arts school with my brother.

Where is your dream vacation spot?

What’s a vacation? All jokes aside, I don’t really have a dream vacation spot. I like seeing new places and wandering around with a notebook. Stories and inspiration is everywhere.

What projects are you working on?

I currently have a variety of works on the go (one memoir, two long Sci Fi pieces, and several sketchbooks worth of ideas) but the one I am most excited about is a comic script I’ve been putting together for the last couple months. It’s a mix of Steampunk and Fantasy–I can’t talk too much about it because a lot of it is still in the preliminary stages, but I’m excited to keep the grind going.

How are you celebrating your birthday this year?

Quietly, with a bottle of wine and a slice of mango pudding cake.

Led by Pondo, the big metal bear with a huge heart, Mecha Panda Publishing is a unique press located somewhere in Canada just a drive away from an ocean and one of the most dynamic cities in the country. Its aim is to create memorable content in digital, print, and audio mediums for everyone to enjoy. The main genre is Science Fiction, though Pondo may branch out from time to time.

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