Birthday Interview

Our Marketing Director Amanda has a birthday today! We want to wish her a very Happy Birthday and have her share a little bit about herself with a quick Birthday Interview.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I would love to be a wildly successful book publisher and philanthropist.

How old are you?

As of 5am this morning I am 27 years old.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Snuggle my puppy Jacob .

What are you proud of?

Graduating from Simon Fraser University.

What was your favourite class in high school?

History 12. It was fascinating and our teacher gave us cookies on Fridays.

What’s your “day job”?

I work in fundraising at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

What are you reading right now?

Stella Ryman and the Fairmount Manor Mysteries by Mel Anastasiou.