Category: Violent Skies

A Twelve Cities Christmas: The Krampus Tradition

How do Teresa and Jameson spend the holidays? Read on to find out. Featuring characters from T.J. Lockwood’s Violent Skies. IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE WE’VE HAD LIGHTS LIKE THIS. They’re hard to come by this far off the I-5. Very few places continue to manufacture seasonal decorations and those who do, don’t sell…

Pre-festive cheer! (Shameless plug)

Annoying, repetitive music, crowded stores, and ads…. So many ads!  SO HERE’S ONE MORE! It’s the holidays and this year why not show how much you really care, with this…  *Drumroll* Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Novel. (This is why I’m not in Marketing.) But seriously, it is that time of year, and MechaPanda has some awesome gift…

How our books can be in your local bookstore

Request Violent Skies today Did you know that our books are available through your local bookstore? As an Artisan publisher, we’ve teamed up with a major distributor who helps extend our reach. Through Ingram, our catalog is available to all major retailers. Now that they’re available for order by your favourite bookstore, we need you…

Character Spotlight: Jace (The Package)

“Your shirt. It says Wallflower. That’s what I’m going to call you.” In a world split apart, where people live both on and above the surface, sometimes it goes without saying that you’ll run into a scoundrel or two hanging out in those sketchy places. Meet Jace, an occasional liar, probable thief, and a man…