Elementor #1195

Have you read urban heroes yet?

“This book is my first read by the author and on-base on the thought, I would say I’m surprised that how talented the author is. I’m a huge fan of this genre for a long time whether in books or in the movies and I have set very big standards for this genre. And the author, at not a single moment lets me down in the book.” – The Literal Arts

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Do you know about Pondo's Playground? We have author interviews, dramatic readings and fun ramblings.


We love pictures and we love books. We also love pictures of books, dogs, cats, and especially pandas.


Comic shorts more your thing? Explore the stories of Gilbert (The Ice Cube), Castro (The Jellyfish), and Horatio (The Penguin), along with some guest appearance by the planets of the Milky Way.


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