Podcast Shoutout

As the producer of Pondo’s Playground, we make sure to listen to a number of podcasts to make sure we’re not doing anything majorly wrong. Also podcasts are a pretty excellent way to make cleaning the apartment, driving to work or walking the dog a little more entertaining. I wanted to take the time this week to share with you some podcasts I think are worth a listen.

The Sell More Books Show

This podcast is a godsend for indie authors and publishers. Jim and Bryan share tips, up to date news and best practices for those looking to succeed in book publishing. I love the simple format they’ve put together and how everything is broken down into digestible pieces of information. They present things so that listeners are easily able to implement their tools for book marketing.

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Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast

Love love love this for new marketing ideas specifically for our Science Fiction books. This podcast features a great team of writers who regularly bring in special guests that are experts in their field. Each week they discuss what’s new in the genre and how authors can effectively reach new and current readers. As a fairly new publisher to the game, this podcast has been incredibly important as we continue to craft our marketing plans.

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And That’s Why We Drink


This podcast is just a fun one. Em and Christine sit down every week to share one paranormal story and one true crime story. They add their own brand of humour to the tales and have an absolutely amazing rapport. My knowledge of history has grown a lot more than I thought it would from the facts included with the paranormal snippets.

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