It’s been a long time since I set my sights on the pixelated demons of Hell, but here we are in 2020 with the graphics of the 90s emblazoned on my TV screen for all to see. In a world of first person shooters and mass multiplayer online games, it’s important to remember where it all started–the Doomguy and his bunny. Yes, you read that right. Don’t believe me? Then check this out.
It’s safe to say that storytelling in gaming has evolved beyond where it began, and with more complex graphics allows for more complex plots. The Doom of old is simple–there are no fancy cutscenes, backstory is extremely limited, and the objective is clear: survive and defeat the demons of hell. The little tidbits we do get from both pre and post mission text hints at an expanded lore which I am sure the developers had in mind, but not yet the means to execute. To put it simply, Doom holds up well and is just as enjoyable now as it was two decades ago.
So, what’s next? Doom 2, 3 and then I’m onto the newer games published by Bethesda. Stay tuned for more retro gaming posts as we take a look at gaming franchises which have seen a revival in recent years. It’ll be a journey of both nostalgia and discovery.