Tag: Writing

Ever Wanted a Real Pocketbook?

Then we’ve got you covered! Pondo’s Playground Presents is a series of stories designed to give writers an outlet to experiment and play in genres which may be way out of their comfort zone. Because of the compressed length of these stories, we are able to create the perfect pocketbook. Long enough to have a…

Gen Con 2018

A look at my adventure Part business trip and part family vacation, my time spent in Indianapolis was jam packed. I was able to turn an annual geeky pilgrimage with my father and sister into professional development by attending the Gen Con Writer’s Symposium.  If you have a chance to go, I highly suggest it.…

On Writing: Urban Heroes

Most writers have their own unique processes they follow. Some write at desks, others enjoy the comforts of the couch, many need to have the perfect lighting, and there are even a few who need a warm cup of tea within reach on a coaster. Whatever your writing process is, it’s sacred and the whole…

A Day in the Life of Ava: Part 2

We’d like to welcome our podcast host Jon as our guest blogger for a second week. Here is the second installment of the two-piece story arc featuring his beloved cat Ava. The human has moved since Ava fell asleep. It joins her on the sitting room bed, holding the black thing it normally holds while staring…

A Day in the Life of Ava

We’d like to welcome our podcast host Jon as our guest blogger for this week and next week. He’s put together a two-piece story arc featuring his beloved cat Ava. It’s morning time, and Ava, this young house cat, has discovered she is out of food. She sniffs to make sure she is completely out, and…